Thursday, October 6, 2011

What's in it for me beyond the requirement?

Today I'd like to address how the service learning plan of Westminster is a huge part of my project. Let me first start off with a quote from the overview that I held true to my project. "Service Learning allows  students to grasp "real-life" experiences in their field of study, while meeting community needs through service." I am a broadcast communications major and it wouldn't be weird or out of line for a boss to one day ask me to create a documentary. In fact, a lot of great broadcast communication majors become the directors behind really great documentaries. Therefore I am getting a real-life experience by having a certain deadline for when the project is due, having certain requirements that I have to follow, by contacting all of the participants and getting them involved, and finally all the field work with the camera. The community service comes from helping an organization that assists families who can't afford books for their children. I am helping this organization by supporting it through my documentary, which hopes to first inform the audience of the organization and second to persuade them to assist the organization in any way that they can. Therefore my project doesn't just benefit me so I can continue on to graduation but rather it benefits this organization through the support my project provides. Thus I believe my project can be considered part of the service learning plan here at Westminster. I invite you to look it up for yourself by including this link.

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